World of relaxation

Hey, I am here again! Do you miss me? Okay. My returning post devote my every year’s holiday. Most of my friends ask me: “Why have you visited Thailand so many times?” Well, some people answer: ” because of picturesque view”, “tasty food”, “sex tourism”, but I have the other explanation. Why do I love it? I think Thailand can give us , what we never have got in the big cities. Some tourists disappoint in it, they focus on unsanitary condition, prostitution, and shemales. But if you forgotten about it for a second, You would notice other things. Here, people haven’t got prejudices. They smile for everyone, and they don’t watch on your cloth’s brand.
As I love to say: Thailand it is the place, where morning is better than evening in other countries. We always look for ideal world, without envy, Evil, bias. But can we find, what we already have?
And I exactly know, I’ll come back again, as more time as possible


If you want to understand what means a year , ask a question to a student who failed his annual exams.If you want to understand what means a month, ask mother who gave birth to the prematurely born child and waits when it will take from the incubatory camera. If week — ask the person who works at the conveyor or in mine to support a family.If day — ask lovers who wait for a meeting. If hour- ask the person suffering claustrophobia who got stuck in the elevator.Second- look at the person’s visage, who in a thousand share of an instant avoided death, or ask the athlete who has just won a silver medal on Olympic Games instead of gold for the sake of which trained all life  And do you appreciate your time? 

Book review

For muggle,Hermione is simply girl, 

For us she is the best witch of her age.
For muggle,Ron is simply red guy,
For us he is our king.
For muggle,Snape is simply teacher,
For us he is the most courageous person whom we have ever knew.
For muggle,Dumbledore is simply old man,
For us he is an instructor.
For muggle,J. K.Rowling is simply writer,
For us she is a queen.
For muggle,Hogvarts is simply school,
For us it is our house.
For muggle,Harry Potter is simply series of books and movies,
For us it is the whole life! ”
In general, I love everything that is connected with Harry Poter, itself I don’t understand why. You know, many people speak they don’t love Harry Potter, speak they don’t understand essence, speak that it is nonsense for children. But, do you know what i think? I think every person will remember History Of the Boy Who Lived. And I will remember story about mother’s love to her son, about hatred and revenge for power loss, about Snape’s eternal love  to Harry’s mother, about faithful friends, which didn’t throw Harry, about that as I was sobbing while looking Harry Poter’s last part,was sobbing when Dobby, Snape died, was sobbing when amusing Longbottom told that all people who battled for Harry died not in vain, unlike Voldemort . I will tell this story to my children. 

I will always dream to visit place,where once time Harry arrived from Privet Drive to place called Hoggvarts, will believe in a platform 9 3/4, I will wear a pendent in the form of a Time-turner, Golden Snitch and Deathly Hallows. I will remember love which was between Ron and Hermione, I will remember a premiere of the last part when Ron”Hey,Danielle and Emma, I really love you”, and Hermione began to cry.I can infinitely write… In a word it not a simple movie or the book,it is history which will be in all those hearts,which have read or watched Harry Poter.

More than you think

Have you ever thought how many memories are in your hands? No, you don’t mishear, yes-yes,on your hands.
Let’s present, how many wounds are on your hands,that began to live, how many times did you wipe tears,whether for pleasure,whether from grief, how many times did you hold people with these hands, which can already isn’t present in live, or left you, or still nearby? Our hands remember everything, and much more, than memories in our head.