History of the song

History of the song

Why did Green Day write “Wake me up When September Ends”? Have your ever heard this song? What do you feel when you hear it? I think nobody can feel such feelings, as Billie Joe. Billie Joe wrote the song about his father.What is it about? The song Wake me up When September ends is about billie joe’s dad who died when he was 10… Green Day lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong wrote this about his father, who died of cancer on September 1st, 1982. At his father’s funeral, Billie cried, ran home and locked himself in his room. When his mother got home and knocked on the door to Billie’s room, Billie simply said, “Wake me up when September ends,” hence the title. When i hear this song, i remember my grandfather. He also died in September. Loss of relatives is most awful. Please, give up smoking, drinking, taking drugs. You don’t ideate how many people love you, Care you, And miss you, You are necessary to the worl. Take care about your relatives!

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